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Privacy Policy

Education Law 2-d

Education Law § 2-d and Part 121 of the NY Commissioner’s Regulations protects student personally identifiable information (PII) from unauthorized disclosure. Additionally, this law provides parents with rights regarding their child’s PII. Please review the parent fact sheet from the NYS Education Department that explains these rights.  Video explanation on NYS Education Law 2d

Individual Data Privacy Agreements and privacy policy links for programs and/or websites can be found listed on our Approved Programs page. 

Parent Bill of Rights

Education Law § 2-d mandates that each educational agency develop a Parent Bill of Rights for data privacy and security. The purpose of this document is to provide information to parents and students about certain legal requirements that protect personally identifiable information.

Additional Google Services Consent

Complaint Procedures for Unauthorized Data Disclosure or Breech

Parents, legal guardians, eligible students, principals, teachers, and employees of an educational agency may file a complaint about a possible data breach or improper disclosure of student data and/or protected teacher or principal data. 

  1. To submit a complaint, please complete the Central Islip School District Unauthorized Data Disclosure or Breech Complaint Form. If you cannot complete the on-line form, please speak to your building Principal who can assist on your behalf. 
  2. The Central Islip District's Director of Technology, Mr. Philip Voigt, will initiate an investigation.

  3. Investigations will be completed and finalized in a reasonable amount of time, typically, within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the complaint. In the event the investigation needs to extend beyond 60 days, due to extenuating circumstances, the complainant will be contacted to inform them of the delay and the expected timeline for completion.

  4. The Central Islip School District will maintain a record of all complaints of data breaches or unauthorized releases of student/staff data & their disposition in accordance with applicable data retention policies, and report complaint reports & investigations as directed by NYS Ed Law 2d / Part 121 Regulations to the NYSED Chief Privacy Officer.