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Welcome to 2025 Newsletter



School Policies

Bus:  Your child’s bus stop and bus number will be mailed directly home prior to the start of school from our district office.  Students must present this letter to the bus driver. All school bus routes are posted online.  Please visit the transportation department page for more information on student transportation. 

Breakfast and Lunch Program: Due to recent Federal funding, breakfast and lunch will be available at no cost to all students. However, breakfast and lunch applications must be filled out and returned on or before September 30th. The applications will be available on the first day of school.  Snacks are available for an additional charge.   It is imperative that students arrive on time to school because breakfast will not be available after the breakfast period has ended.  School Lunch Program Department

Visitors: Upon entering the school building all visitors must present a form of picture ID and state the purpose of their visit. They will sign the visitor’s log and be issued a visitor’s pass which must be visibly displayed.    

All persons who are not students or staff who wish to visit a school shall report immediately to the school reception desk/main office upon entering a school building. The Board recognizes that many visitations which occur are often regularly scheduled events, i.e., parent-teacher organization meetings, public gatherings, registering of pupils, etc. Student visitors from other schools, unless they have a specific reason and prior approval of the Superintendent, or his/her designee, shall not be given permission to enter school buildings. Newly registered students may visit their perspective buildings by appointment.  Please visit our School Safety & Security Department for more information on school safety. 

Building Security: In order to ensure a well-monitored and safe environment, all exterior entrance doors will be locked during school hours.  All parents and visitors should enter the building through the main entrance during these hours.  Doors should not be propped open at any time during the day.  Staff and students have been instructed not to open doors for anyone outside the building.  All visitors during the established hours are expected to enter the main office and secure a “Visitor’s Pass.” Please visit our School Safety & Security Department for more information on school safety. 

Phone Calls During School HoursIn an effort to keep students engaged in learning, students will not be allowed to make phone calls home for non-emergency issues, i.e., forgetting homework or lunch money, requesting to stay after school, etc. Please make every effort to help prepare your child before he/she leaves for school with needed materials and discuss any changes in afterschool arrangements.     

Picking-up Students:  Anytime during the school day,  parents should meet students in the office and sign them out before leaving. If someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up a student, please send a note to let the office know.  Please have identification ready when picking up a student.  School staff may not always recognize parents, guardians or family members.  Students will not be released if proper authorization cannot be validated or if there are any questions about the early release of a student. If you send a note for your child to be picked up by someone other than a parent, please have a number where you can be reached, if there are any questions.   

Guardianship and Custody:    If you have not done so, please supply the school with any legal papers concerning custody or visitation.  Please notify your child’s teacher and the principal of any special arrangements.  Original documents are required for all agreements.  The school will be glad to copy them for our records.   

Students Arriving Early and Late:   With the exception of before-school band and chorus rehearsals, and/or before school extra-help appointments, students should not arrive before the school day begins because the building is not open and supervision is not available.  If a student arrives to school late, the child must go to the main office and sign in with the main office.  When the school day ends students must leave the premises immediately after dismal unless they are staying after school for an authorized after-school activity.  If not, they are subjecting themselves to disciplinary consequences.

Student Absences, Tardiness, and Early Departures (ATEDs):   Daily attendance is a must for student academic success. Absences, tardiness and early departures from school (ATEDs) will closely be monitored as the law mandates that students under compulsory age attend school regularly.  All ATEDs must be accounted for.  It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school office within at least 24 hours of the ATED and to provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school.   

Excused ATEDs are defined as absences, tardiness, and early departures from class or school due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or such other reasons as may be approved. All other are considered unexcused absences. Five or more unexcused Tardiness/Early Departures parents will be notified and consequences will be assigned as follows: In addition, please note that a student with a pattern of absenteeism (excused or unexcused) will be referred to the building’s attendance team.  Chronic attendance problems will be reported to the social worker, the school administration, and the appropriate social/legal agency.   

Code of Conduct